Thursday, April 29, 2010
Video of the fan account of RN1 shooting
Road Number One updates [DL Added]
credit kikicocoful@youtube
Dl :
translation of So Ji Sub's words by Hind:
Road Number One에서 이장우 역할을 맡은 소지섭입니다.
올해 최고의 드라마 Road Number One 6월달에 여러분을 찾아갑니다.
많은 관심과 성원 부탁드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.
This is Road Number One's Lee Jung Woo aka So Ji Sub.
You will be able to watch this year's best show "Road Number One" this coming June.
Wishing for your support & encouragement. Thank you.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Road Number One Pix
So Ji Sub Interview for Road No. 1 from Mydaily
by dw4p blog
Q: You’re the lead for a program celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. When you received the call to be in the drama, how did you feel and what made you accept the role?
Q: Recent dramas have a tendency to favor soft male characters, while you’re known to play strong male characters. Lee Jang Woo has been described as someone who deals with the various difficulties of life in a myriad of ways. What kind of a character is he?
Q: Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Full Metal Jacket, Thin Red Line, Taegeukgi have all received acclaim as war dramas. Are there any stories or characters that have left a strong impression on you?
Q: Young people from this generation see war as something from a far away land. In that sense, the drama about the 6.25 war is an important project. Have you spoken with any elders or family members who experienced the war firsthand?
Q: Being on set, it looked like even the staff suffered from the bitter cold. Wasn’t last winter so cold that it was difficult to be fully immersed in your acting? What was your secret to enduring the cold?
Q: What did the two directors, Lee Jang Soo and Kim Jin Min, want from you?
Q: People have said that you look good in uniform. As someone who enjoys fashion, were you satisfied with your appearance?
Q: What do you want to say to the viewers?
via Mydaily
Monday, April 26, 2010
Fan account of Road Number One shooting
Another fan account of the same fans ^^
original credit to 青豆燮水晶饺
Translated by Hind
Around 6 pm in the same day, the crew called it a day. We saw in that an opportunity to see SJS while he was returning to a parking lot, hehe, our eyes and brain were functioning very quickly. I quickly run into another small road and made sure to leave enough distance , SJS was walking two steps in front of me, i was behind him, he was dressed in black carrying a shoulder bag along with the manager (but please forgive me, hehe, ive seen SJS was with someone but with him in front of me i simply no longer look at the man he was with), I immediately shouted: "Jisub shi, Jisub shi!" SJS heard my cry, stopped and looked at me. That look is still very natural and gentle. I walked towards him & handed him my gift, SJS took it & it was when the time stopped, I was looking at SJS's hands , i was thinking that i should not hesitate to shake hands. Finally I reached out my hand, SJS put the gift to his left, & stretched out his right hand , the hands of SJS were so warm, i had a soft feeling that is super good .
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fan account of Road Number One shooting
original Credit to 青豆燮水晶饺
Translated by Hind
April 20th :
Road Number One BTS
Saturday, April 24, 2010
So Ji Sup in Soya & sun MV
Friday, April 23, 2010
So Ji Sup in Soya & sun MV updates
Soya N Sun MV starring So Ji Sub is to be released TODAY, it's almost 2 after midnight here & i cant sleep, waiting for the's a pic ive found in an article , maybe the cover of the CD...
Road Number One Posters
Thursday, April 22, 2010
So Ji Sub will attend Bellinger eyewear lunching

A lot of celebrities will attend the show amongst them will be So Ji Sub, Rain, 2PM, Yoon Eun Hye, Han Chae-young & many more.
well at the end, after a long wait, SJS couldnt attend the event held on the 22nd, due to his tight schedule.
Road Number One updates 21-04-2010
these ones were taken on the 3rd April